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Members Survey


Thank you we reach out to you and give you the details

Members Survey

What Type of Rider are you

Tell us about your riding skills. This will help us create and organize events for you.

Select one
How Many Events Should the Club Hold

Tell us what type of events are you looking for.  

Club Events
What Type of Events are you looking for
Selet all that apply
Where you can help

NTR has several committees for you to choose from.  You may select as many as you would like.

Please selet the committees you would like to be part of:
What do you Ride

What brand of bike do you ride?  Only Select One. 

What Brand of Bike do you Ride (only pick one)
NTR Monthly News Letter

What would you like to see in the Monthly NTR Newsletter.  Is it too much, too litte or just right.  What would you like to see?

What Else?

Tell us anything else.

Thank you - this will help the club

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