Our Club
Advocacy & Stewardship since 1998
Back in the early 90’s life as a dirt biker in Northumberland County was pretty great. Motorcyclists had just created a single-track trail system in the Ganaraska Forest under the guidance of the Ganaraska Regional Conservation Authority. A provincial trail riding organization had been formed, the Ontario Federation of Trail Riders (OFTR). The new concept of organized trail riding was being embraced by Ontario motorcycle clubs and Ontario riders were welcoming the new non-competitive activity.
What our club has to offer
Our volunteers help organize and run events for all our members to enjoy. Whether you are looking to hook up with a group to ride with or you want to race, NTR has events for everyone.
It's all about the riding
Join Northumberland Trail Riders
As a local club of the Ontario Federation of Trail Riders, you can join Northumberland Trail Riders by selecting us as your primary club affiliation when joining OFTR. A portion of your membership fees is directed to our club. Funds raised through membership dues, and event fees are used for trail maintenance, trail signage, insurance, club promotion, and events.
Have a question? Reach out to execntr@gmail.com or use the contact page.
Post Office Box 107 Grafton, ON, K0K 2G0